Rishihat Tea Garden

The Green Kingdom Beneath The Vast Blue Sky – Darjeeling

The Hill.
Thou art so beautiful,
A green kingdom ‘neath the vast blue sky,
That I glimpse from a little high.

O, lofty hill, a silver ribbon stumbling down,
Fresh and cold upon the ground.
When rays from heaven admit their cheer,
The twinkling pearl appears near.

Ah! Such a lovely image that I see,
It raises my heart, a song of glee.

From the hill’s crest, where pines stand tall,
Curved roads wind through tea gardens, enthralling all.
Clouds intermingle with the hills so fair,
And Kanchenjunga stands, a mountain beyond compare.
Crystal-clear views unfold on this blessed height,
Revealing Darjeeling’s panorama, a stunning sight.
Nature’s canvas painted with hues divine,
A masterpiece from the hilltop, where serenity intertwines.

As I gaze downward, the landscape unfolds,
Pines and forests, nature’s secrets it holds.
Bends and curves in the roads below,
Winding through tea gardens, a tranquil tableau.
The clouds dance, mingling with the hills,
Whispering tales that the breeze instills.
Kanchenjunga, a regal silhouette,
Watches over this serene vignette.

On one side, the horizon stretches wide,
Darjeeling’s charm, a visual guide.
The panorama unfolds, breathtakingly grand,
A tapestry of beauty, stitched by nature’s hand.

Each hill, a sentinel in this verdant array,
Guarding the secrets of night and day.
A symphony of colors, nature’s own tune,
As the sun dips low, beneath the moon.
So from this hill, I drink the view,
A portion of beauty, both old and new.
With every glance, a tale unfolds,
The hill, a storyteller, its mysteries never told.

By – Rahul Mukhia, hailing from the enchanting Rishihat Tea Garden in the picturesque region of Darjeeling.

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